Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's a Boy!!

I just realized, while I made it facebook official, I forgot to make it blog official!! So sorry! Our Doctor scheduled an ultrasound for when I'm 20 weeks, but I just couldn't wait!! We're so blessed to have a friend of a friend who works in ultrasound! She snuck us in last week and took a peek at out little one and we found out IT'S A BOY!! We couldn't be happier! Here's a few pics of our little guy!

Even though it looks like he's sucking his thumb, he really wasn't....he was just waving his hand back and forth by his face.

Of course, all our family is pretty excited and has already started buying stuff! Of course, Elijah wanted a boy bc 'even though he'll have to be nice when it's a baby; they can wrestle and fight when it gets bigger!' HA!

I didn't post the 'boy' picture because it wasn't very good. However since this wasn't our 'official' ultrasound, we'll be getting more pictures in a couple weeks!

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