Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Elijah!

So I'm a couple days late, but better late than never! Eli turned 2 on Friday. I can't believe it's already been two years! I'm adjusting and getting used to being in Texas, but the hardest part is definately being away from family. And I really hate being away from Eli's cute little face. I know he's growing and changing every day so I hate to be away from him!

Luckily, in 7 short days I'm gonna be visiting home! Eli and Alli will be picking me up at the airport and I can't wait to see his reaction!

Oh and the pic is from breakfast at Ryan's the morning we moved. He stole my cup of whip cream and really enjoyed it!


Bob Hansel said...

I remember sitting in the hospital 2 years ago hearing Ali scream and then crying, wondering what I had done. Obviously for both Alison and I, it's been TOTALLY worth it. Happy Birthday Eli!

Anonymous said...

Awe, my baby. You two will have a lot to talk about when you come back. He's talking nonstop! I love it!! -Ali

Anonymous said...

cutie!!!!! He is getting so big.