Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Surviving Winter

Yep, I've been seriously slacking. Possibly worse than ever. Oops....what can I say? It's winter. with a toddler. in an apartment. and I'm pregnant. I used to enjoy winter. I'm not really sure when it changed, but I'm not that person anymore. I want hot days filled with playing and running outside. But, alas, we live in Colorado so that's not to be for a while. I really shouldn't complain, because this winter hasn't been all that bad. But I'm still anxious to get outside! In the mean time, here's a sample of what we do to burn energy and keep active lately. 

We went to the Aquarium a few weeks ago.
 Asher was much more into the aquarium than he was last spring.

 We play a lot of play-dough and he's all about it!

A few weeks ago we discovered a great place called Monkey Business. It's a great indoor play area, and we go a few times a week.

Asher also took swim lessons for the past two months. He absolutely loved it, and has learned a ton!
Hopefully, I'll keep up on the blog more now, but at least you know a little of what we've been up to!

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